The dust has settled, and you’ve arrived at your new location.
Most military families are pros at living out of suitcases during a move, but what if your time in temporary lodging ends up becoming a matter of weeks…or even months? The wait time for F&E can be 6 - 8 weeks.
Some people look at living in temporary housing or a hotel as a chore, but others look forward to the benefits. Here are some suggestions to make the best out of the situation while you wait for furniture to arrive from Canada.
1) Establish a routine.
If you’re in temporary lodging for a lengthy period, the military member will most likely be back working long before you’re settled in your new home. While their life may have some semblance of normal, it’s time to establish a new, temporary normal for the rest of the family.
Especially if you have small children, create some touchstones throughout the day: meals around the same time, regular naps for those who need them, and playtime outside if possible. Even visits to the laundry room or the lodging lobby for hot cocoa can become part of your daily routine.
If you’re moving with a pet, plan daily walks which will have the benefit of exercise for both of you, along with helping you discover new green spaces and local trails. If your kids start school while you’re still in temporary digs, it will be important to set a routine quickly.
2) Ask for what you need.
If your room lacks a few comforts of home, ask the front desk if they have options for you. If the front desk is unable to meet your needs, try to borrow from your local MFS centre or purchase at local stores.
3) Tidy up.
While living in a small space, you may feel less cramped and more comfortable if things are relatively picked up and clean. Coming back to lodging after a long day of exploring your new home is more enjoyable if you’re not greeted with a mass of clutter, a stack of dirty dishes, or a pile of laundry.
4) Build in special treats.
Life in temporary housing can quickly become mundane. Add an unexpected “treat” when you can. It doesn’t have to be expensive! Visits to the local library for new books, and checking out the bowling alley or pool can help pass the time.
We found that even if there were activities we’d done before, the newness of a different place somehow made it more special. Check out online reviews, then drive around the area and scout out what you’re looking for: a church, pizza place, park, or coffee shop.
5) Find joy in the simple things.
If you’re moving with kids or without, fun doesn’t have to be elaborate! Some of our best memories are learning a new card game or a card game from the past. Start a new puzzle together so that you’ll race to have finished before you get into housing.
Evening walks or watching a favourite movie together are simple pleasures that help make life seem normal.
6) Plan ahead for what you'll need.
While you may not know ahead of time that you’ll be facing an extended stay, consider the possibility when you pack your luggage before the move. Laundry can be washed, so perhaps take less clothing and allow more room in your luggage for special toys, books, and games. Or, ship a box of these items to your forwarding address before you move. Of course, there’s always Amazon for whatever you forget!
Consider the time of year that you’re moving. For our family, when facing a season change, we made space to pack light jackets or swimwear, as we just never knew how long it would be until we saw our household goods again.
7) Unpack what you need; stow the rest.
If you discover after arrival that you’re in for an extended stay, corral what can become a tornadic mess by hanging up clothes, using the dressers and shelf space, and then stowing the luggage and anything else you won’t be using immediately (such as dress clothes, seasonal clothing). Consider rotating toys/games if you’ve brought enough of those to keep things fresh. Less clutter = easier daily clean-up and more sanity for parents!
8) Stay active.
When the newness begins to wear off and you feel like you’re slogging through the same “Groundhog Day” over and over a la Bill Murray, hang in there! Force yourself to leave your lodging space regularly, whether you feel like it or not. Fresh air and time away from the hotel will help give everyone a new perspective.
Living in close quarters for an extended stay can be a challenge. Though you might drive each other a little batty in a cramped space, it can be the time that you build core memories.
If you’re facing a move and will be living in an extended stay hotel long term, here’s hoping it’s over before you know it, that you cultivate new coping skills, and that you find little ways to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.