Unpacking is the last big step to feeling comfortable in and enjoying your new home – and it can be a pain. Here are some tips we hope will help with a successful unpacking, to help you settle into your new home!
Clean before you unpack and as you unpack (this includes breaking down boxes as you go), so you can keep organized and so you have less cleaning afterwards.
Make a plan and map out where you want big items (i.e. couches) first!
Unpack room by room and go over your inventory to ensure items arrive intact as you are unpacking. Document any damaged items and keep them all together.
Take pictures as you go, so you can see how your space looks! This is great to help “design” the space that will make you feel most comfortable, and you will also have photos to refer to if you need to go shopping for other items.
Clear the clutter as you unpack! Maybe you have some items you don’t want to keep or that aren’t useful where you are living? Make a dedicated donation box and keep a list with the box of what is inside that you can refer to.
Have another box for distractions. These are items that you are keeping but are not sure where to put. You can come back to this later.
Keep essentials separate! Toiletries, prescriptions, chargers, a few changes of clothing and anything else important should be kept somewhere easy to access and away from other boxes so they do not get misplaced.
Make sure your furniture is situated where you want it before putting it together or putting items inside – it is a lot easier to move an empty dresser or set of drawers than it will be once it is full. Also, put your bed together first and thank yourself later!
Unpack the bathroom first, the bedroom second, and the kitchen third. The dining room, home office, living room, guest rooms, and closets should not be the priority. And leave that distraction box last!
Sleep on it and take breaks! Moving is tiring and stressful, so is unpacking and organizing. Sometimes it is good to come back recharged and with fresh eyes!
Do one last round of decluttering your space and make a list of items you need to purchase (to replace broken items, things forgotten in Canada, etc.).
We hope this list helps so you can enjoy your new home and start planning your adventures quicker!