The posting message is in, the house is sold. You’ve given your boss 2 weeks' notice, you’re all set to jet-set! But an overseas posting is not without its share of obstacles. For starters, many families find themselves moving from a dual income to a single income family, as many spouses are unable to work while overseas. There are few employment opportunities available to military spouses posted OUTCAN. So how can you prepare yourself for finding employment in your new location? Or what can you do to keep your skills relevant and current? In the following paragraphs, we’ll delve into more detail on the opportunities to work while OUTCAN, as well as ideas and tips to improve your soft skills and employability.
First, it is important to note that most European countries will not allow you to work on the economy. Most employment opportunities will be through CFMWS or DND. If you’re unsure, please talk to your Orderly Room, they can provide guidance specific to your location.
MFS and PSP are the two largest employers of military spouses in Europe, so let’s look at who they are and what they offer.
MFS Europe: Military Family Services offers a variety of positions to their community, from full-time to part-time, remote or on location. Depending on your background, this could be a perfect fit for you. Dedicated to helping military families with their posting to Europe, the MFS team operates with six local centres, comprising Community Service Managers and providers, who help bring your community programs and events. In the background, MFS also has program Coordinators and managers who help run programs to bring to our military community. With its many positions, MFS is one of the largest employers, with opportunities posted to our website.
Under the same umbrella of Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, PSP is another employer for OUTCAN spouses. Based in centres throughout Europe, your PSP team works hard to provide you with recreation and fitness activities during your OUTCAN journey. Through fitness challenges, recreational activities, or even online training programs, PSP staff serve the military community and their families. If your passion lies in helping people through health and fitness, keep your eyes peeled for job opportunities with PSP.
Whether you want to work for MFS or PSP, there are a few things you should have to expedite the process. Here is a quick list:
A copy of your passport, SOFA or VISA stamp (some of those you will get in Europe)
Another form of government (federal or provincial) photo ID (birth certificate, Driver’s Licence, etc). If government photo ID is not available, a third piece of photo ID (such as student ID) must be provided
Five years of resident addresses along with proof (mail, bill, T4, etc) The dates must be five years from the date of filling out the form back exactly five years from that date (i.e.: 12 May 2022 back to 12 May 2017)
Proof of relevant education and professional qualifications (transcripts, diplomas, etc)
Proof of previous employment (back 5 years), (work agreements, T4s, etc)
Two references (these are part of the hiring process and should be in processing before this point – reference letters are good as well)
NATEX and RCPO are two more employers that you may want to look into for employment while OUTCAN. If you are interested in employment with the Regional Civilian Personnel Office, it is encouraged to review their recruitment drive. For more information on all their employment opportunities and how to apply, head to CAF Connection.
Many spouses who arrive at their European posting decide to use this time to discover their new location and focus on personal development and growth. If you fall in this category, there are a few things you can do to ease back into the workforce upon your return to Canada. Volunteering and online classes are two ways to keep your mind sharp and engaged while living overseas. If you plan on volunteering, however; it is encouraged to have a police background check performed before you depart Canada. Volunteering provides an excellent opportunity to try out new career paths and a purposeful way to keep busy for many OUTCAN spouses.
Online courses and training are another excellent way to develop new skills or hone your current skill set. Many websites offer a variety of free courses, as well as paid training. Here are a few websites to start your search:
Udemy: (to reach the website, please google it) Edx : https://www.edx.org/
Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/
Canvas: https://www.canvas.net/
EDUlib: https://catalogue.edulib.org/en/cours/?limit=21&offset=0
MOOC’s: https://www.ulaval.ca/etudes/mooc-formation-en-ligne-ouverte-a-tous
Whether or not you choose to work on your OUTCAN posting, the possibilities and options are numerous. If you have any additional questions about working while OUTCAN, or if you’d like a suggestion on courses to take to bolster your employability, I encourage you to get in touch with the employment, education and training coordinator at mfse.employmenteducationtraining@cfmws.com.
“A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes, JR.