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My Experience as a YEP Student

Jeremy Quang Nguyen

Moving abroad can be one of the best experiences that can happen to you. The chance to see the world from a different perspective and learn a whole different way of living. Whether it be the language barrier, the cultural nuances, or even just the people, this cultural change can be hard to adapt to and bring a lot of stress.

Personally, one of the things that stressed me the most was gaining work experience. For many teens, its around the ages of 15, 16, 17 that we realize the importance of working; being able to finally fill in those blanks on our resumes and gain this “independence” from our parents. Seeing as I was in a new country, one where I could not even speak the language, I started to worry. My concerns were quickly lifted, as in life there are always resource there for you. In my case, it was the Youth Employment Preparation Program. This program allowed me to learn the essentials to succeed in the adult world. I learned how to approach resume writing, interviews, found the importance of networking, and most importantly I had the opportunity to experience the “ real world” and gain solid work experience.

Last year as well as this summer, I was given the opportunity to work as assistant Community Services Provider in Naples, Italy. This job tested my leadership skills, organisational skills and communication skills. I was required to work along professionals in their field and learn from them. I had the chance to engage with the community by organizing and leading activities for the local Canadian youth and even prepare entertainment packages for those who were remote. Essentially, through this position, I was able to better prepare myself for the job market by gaining professional training, understanding how to properly function in a community focused environment, making sure that my work is always finished on time, that my supervisor is always satisfied with my work ethic and achievements.

Acquiring all those important skills is something that I am thankful for. The YEP program helped me transition into the work force and I am now able to include many new skills and experiences in my resume as I am preparing to go back to Canada. For all that you can get out of it, I strongly recommend all the youths to take part in this wonderful MFS(E) program!

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