There is such a thing as OUTCAN fog… that feeling during the first six months (or more!) where exhaustion from the move, administration overload and culture shock make things just that little bit more challenging. You don’t really appreciate the lack of clarity until the fog starts to lift and you feel like things are coming into place.
There are people who will become your friends for life. Had no expectations of that coming here and will be forever grateful for this.
Using Facebook for the first time was a fantastic way to connect with groups, people, family and friends... but can also lead off track to strange incidents of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when it seems like everyone is doing everything and you’re not. Guess what, they’re thinking the same of you or others!
That you can turn off or limit social media and just get on with your life! It is still great, even if it’s not posted!!
That I love road trips with my Mum! What a hoot – I’ve been able to spend more time with my Mum here on her visits than all visits, in the 10 years previous, back in Canada. We’ve visited her sisters in England, her parents’ graves in Spain, my daughters in Italy and Switzerland and rail-biked our way through forests in Belgium. And what’s even better, is that I convinced Mum to come back one more time before we go!