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Advice for the YEP program

Paige Laporte

The YEP program isn’t necessarily hard to do but it would have been helpful to get a little bit of advice before starting it. The program itself is meant to help students get work experience and learn the process of getting a job.

First piece of advice, fill out all your forms as soon as you get them along with keeping track of which ones you’ve filled out. Sometimes mix ups can happen with HR since a lot of forms are being sent in, so the sooner you get them in, the less chance of a mix up happening. Another thing to keep in mind is to try and stay in contact with the YEP people who are emailing you, so if you have a question or an issue you can just ask them immediately so it can get resolved in time.

This next piece of advice might come as common sense, but hand in the assignments on time. Typically the program runs during the school year, so it's easy to prioritize school and then the program. But somewhat going back to my last point is to do it as soon as you can, it will help with not worrying if you've submitted something or not, and it just gets it out of the way.

My final piece of advice is not to worry about the interviews that you have to do. They are there to help you get better and you will get feedback on how you did so you can improve and be better for the real thing. Your interviewers know this might be some people's first experiences with being interviewed, so they will empathize with your nervousness and help you through it.

Hopefully these pointers help you have a great YEP experience!


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