The end of your OUTCAN posting can be a whirlwind, and it’s easy to get lost in the responsibilities of the move and forget to enjoy your last few weeks in this place you have called home for the past few years.
There can be a mix of different emotions during this time, between the stress of the move, the sadness of the departure, the excitement of going somewhere new, the joy of seeing family again, etc. Because of that, pause and really enjoy your remaining time in your OUTCAN home.
Here are a few things you can do between filing paperwork, looking at homes, planning your HHT, and booking your flights.
Go back to your favourite places.
When living somewhere, many places become part of the fabric of your life. Perhaps it’s the park where you took your dog every day on a walk. Or the coffee shop where you caught up with your friends once a month. Or the restaurant you went to on special occasions with your partner. These are places you are sure to miss when you move away. While there is sadness, there is also the prospect of discovering new places or going back to familiar places when you move. As you prepare for your departure, visit the places you’ll miss the most one last time. Not only will you experience them once more before you leave, but it will provide necessary breaks between your moving tasks.
Do that one thing you said you would but never did
When you moved, you probably researched and found places to visit and activities to do in your home abroad. Or perhaps your neighbours and friends recommended a few things. No matter how long you’ve lived OUTCAN, there is always at least one thing you’ve wanted to do this whole time but never did, whether by a lack of time or organization or because you told yourself you had plenty of time to do it. Maybe there is a museum you’ve walked past several times and swore you would visit one day. Or a charming town nearby you’ve been meaning to wander around. Or a nice restaurant you’ve been saving for a special occasion. This is your perfect occasion! Time is running out, so seize this opportunity to finally do that thing.
Have a going away party with your friends
One of the hardest parts of leaving is saying goodbye to the people you met OUTCAN who have become your friends. As the end of your posting approaches, it can be easy to push your friends away and close yourself off to avoid the pain of goodbyes. However, your friends are your greatest source of support throughout this move, and it’s important to take advantage of the last few weeks you get to enjoy together. Make memories that will last a lifetime. A great way to spend quality time with the people you have gotten to know in your OUTCAN home while also saying goodbye is to organize a going away party or dinner. Have one last fun gathering with everyone to celebrate this next stage in your life. And remember, while your friendships will change, some people will remain in your life even if you don’t see each other as much anymore. And leaving friends in Europe is a great excuse to come back for a visit!
Take plenty of photos
Taking photos will allow you to bring your OUTCAN experiences back home to Canada. Through pictures, you’ll be able to remember your house, the flowers that grew in your garden, your favourite view, and the colour of the sunset sky on your favourite beach. You’ll also be able to share these treasured moments with your family and friends back in Canada. You’ve probably taken photos throughout your stay abroad, but during these last few weeks, take even more. And immortalize the things you want to bring with you on your next adventure.